A proposed academic planner layout for the upcoming school year. Blair's blocks are rolling, and some periods are 55' and 50' minutes respectively; there were some unique challenges in structuring the calendar so that its form supported understanding of those differences.
In the older versions, periods that were the same time on different days didn't line up visually with each other. This new one solves that problem, and the blocks that are shorter are slightly smaller to help delineate the difference. Notice that some days have 55' and 50 minute blocks together, making this distinction really critical.
After surveys and feedback from teachers and students about the old planner, I added a block for Sunday as well as one after school, and a monthly calendar page so that the planner could be used for personal and athletic commitment planning as well as providing an overview of the school schedule. This is an update from the original booklet, that was meant to serve as a guide rather than a planning material.